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BullionStar Account - FAQ

Q: How do I change my customer details or change my address?

A: Login to your BullionStar account and go to  Your Account > Account Details and change desired customer details.

Q: I have forgotten my BullionStar account password. What should I do?

A: Click on the "LOGIN" button. In the Login popup, click the link for "Forgot your password?" to generate a reset password e-mail. 

Q: My BullionStar account has been locked. What should I do?

A: Please contact us and one of our staff members will assist you in unlocking your BullionStar account.

Q:Where can I find the Invoice for my order?

A: Your invoice can be found in your Transaction History once your order has been completed.

Q: How can I close a BullionStar account?

A: Please contact us with your request to close your BullionStar account and we will assist you accordingly.

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